Online Breathwork Sessions
Join me from the comfort of your own home when we meet virtually for a 1:1 or small group session. Ideal for when you cannot attend one of my workshops or a private session in person. Feedback for online sessions has been amazing and you can rest assured that you will be held in a safe space with the opportunity to chat if anything uncomfortable arrises.
Private sessions last for about 90-120 minutes (ending organically). We will use Zoom conferencing software, a user friendly platform to which you will have a link. All you need to do is open your email and click on the link.
We will start with a short introduction, a discussion about your needs for this session (In case of a Private 1:1 session), followed by a calming breath awareness practice. If your specific issue or challenge requires Breath regulation techniques, we will implement these. Afterwards, we will engage in Conscious Connected Breathing.
The journey will be guided by carefully curated music and the intelligence of your own circular, connected breath. This combination allows you to move into a heart space while accessing expanded states of consciousness. The process brings about profound physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits as you deliver life force energy (Chi, Prana) to every cell in your body.
This process allows one to:
Boost your immune system and alkalise your body
Shift thoughts and feelings around the unknown
Open to the capacity for self-healing
Re-pattern dysfunctional breathing habits
Release stagnant energy, stress and trauma
Experience states of unconditional love, acceptance and bliss
After the session you will have time to gently come back to your normal state of being. Bodhi Breathwork & Yoga provides follow-up support for integration.
For more information, please contact me at info@bodhibreathwork.com
What you will need for the session:
Yoga mat/ mattress /cosy spot to lie down
Blanket and pillow
Earphones or a speaker ( It is also possible to play the sound from your computer)
Notebook for integration afterwards (optional)
Comfortable clothes
Additionally - a candle and essential oil to bring the element of smell into the journey
Steps to follow to book a Private session:
- Decide on a date and time, email me at info@bodhibreathwork.com
- I will reply to confirm your spot and send you the link to our online session.
- On the day of the session, create your space ( comfortable and no disturbances preferably.)
Please note that these sessions are available for international participants/clients.
Payments can be arranged via Paypal or bank transfer.
Exchange (90mins):
1 person = R1000 / $70
2 people = R600pp / $40
3 people = R500pp / $35
4 people = R450pp / $30
5 people = R400pp / $28